This field is required
Note: A file name can't contain any of the following characters: \/:*?<>|+ ' &
Notice: We require a valid current insurance certificate prior to release of any trailers, naming Premier Trailers LLC & ISAA as Additional Insured for Liability and Loss Payee for Physical Damage.
Our Insurance Requirements are as Follows:
Please specify the number of trailers that you would like to be approved to rent/lease.
Note: A file name can't contain: \/:*?<>|+ ' &
The information provided above is true and complete. Premier may receive from and disclose to other persons, including credit reporting agencies about Applicant and/or Business Owner's account and credit experience, and Applicant and/or Business Owner authorizes any person to release to Premier Trailer Leasing credit experience on Applicant and/or Business Owner made by Premier Trailer Leasing, or any person requested to release such information.
In Consideration of being allowed the privilege of an open credit account, the undersigned, an authorized representative for the above named company applying for credit, hereby agrees and accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Premier Trailer Leasing, including but not limited to Premier Trailer Leasing's payment terms as listed in the General Terms and Conditions.
To view the General Terms and Conditions in a new window click here.You may also save a copy of the General Terms and Conditions for your records.
In case of default in payments, Premier Trailer Leasing shall be entitled to exercise remedies, in addition to all other rights permitted by law:
This agreement and electronic acceptance shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas.
* Denotes a required field.